2011년 6월 7일 화요일

Israel and Syria War

Israel and Syria War

Syria is most closed country in this world.
But, they open a little today.
They believe most Islam in Syria.
About 60 % of them are Sunni Islam.
But, about 10% of them are Christian, maybe below than 10% are Christian.
Syria ruled by France before World War 2.
But, When World War 2 begun they declared independent in 1941.
Also, Syria is member of UN.
But, they love War and rebellion, weapon, etc…
They love murdered thing so much..
Actually, their governor made that prejudice.
How UN does not stop them?
They are member of them.
UN pursued peace. Then, UN had to give peace and freedom in Syria.
I don’t know detail about what happen in Syria and UN.
But, even I think UN do nothing to Syria.
Recently, some rebel force attacked Syria militaries and polices.
Thus, 120 armies and polices died by some rebel force.

Israel and Syria had War.
Israel is enemy of most Arab counties.
Most Arab countries are Islam counties.
But, only Israel is Jew country in Arab side.
Also, Israel military is so powerful.
Also, Israel nation, relation with other powerful countries is well.
Thus, they envy Israel I guess??

Israel established country in 1948.
Israel also became enemy country of Syria.
When another Arab countries conflict with Israel.
Syria helped them. Also, support them.
They conflicted between Israel and Syria.
They had some problem of territory or area.
That area was Golan Heights.
Israel conquered Golan Heights in 1967 when that was Third Arab-Isarel War.
Thus, Israel declared Golan Heights was area of Israel.
Israel established town of Jews in Golan Heights.
Israel and Syria had trouble.

However, they had peace among Arab countries.
Thus, Israel and Syria made some peace between them.
When the Rabin government appeared in the Israel
Their government tried to talk with other Arab nations.
Fortunately, Syria had chance to return area of Golan Heights.
However, that chance failed because they had some problems between Israel and Syria.
But, Syria tried again for negotiation with Israel.
They had negotiation in USA in 1995 / 12 / 27.
Also, they had second negotiation in Washington in 1996 / 1 / 3~6.
However, that negotiation processed not well.
It also failed.
But, Syria never gave up had negotiation with Israel for return Golan Heights.
Also, they hold negotiation in USA in 2000 / 1.
They also had negotiation in 2008.
But, it failed.
Still now, Israel had Golan Heights in 2010.

They still have some trouble between them.
Israel attacked Syria again in 2011.
Thus, 23 people died and about 350 people hurt.
But, that people is Palestine who flight Syria boundary.
They still had some big and small troubles.

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