2011년 6월 20일 월요일

Nepal conflict

Nepal Democracy Movement
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Nepal Government is Republic.
However, Nepal was Constitutional Monarchy.
Nepal was consisted of Caste system and Gurkha dynasty in 1768.
But, in 1990, Democratic idea came to Nepal.
Thus, people claimed human right.
Some of people wanted to change the social.
They wanted to economical development.
However, it worked badly.

Maoists are government of communist who wanted to establish the republic in the Nepal.
They declared human war for republic in 1996 / 2.
This is started of Nepal internal conflict.
They had conflict because Nepal government was unfair.
King and Caste system had occurred unfair also occurred internal conflict.
In common people view, social and economic was unfair to them.
They were poor and hard to live each day in their life.
Finally, they saw that their life is wrong.
The government is wrong.
Nepal people wanted to government become Democracy and development of social and economy which government talked about.
However, government does not Democratic movement.
But, still monarchy ruled Nepal country at that time.
Thus, people were unsatisfied.
People were not suppressed about Nepal government done.
So, people established rebel force which called Maoists.
Maoists fought for Democracy for their country.
Also, they wanted to changed their country and revolution.
Nation army and communist rebel occurred trouble and problems.
Thus, Nepal became paralyzed.

The people angry more intensify.
They done massacre of monarchy families as French revolution.
They murdered King and their families in 2001 / 6.
Thus, government expressed rebel forces by their army.
At that time, Nepal King Gyanendra dominated government in 2002.
Also, he dominated House of Representatives in 2003.
However, Nepal assembly pointed King Gyanendra when he can’t solve problem of Maoists.
Thus, King Gyanendra occurred coup’de’tat in 2005 / 2.
In this coup’de’tat King Gyanendra recovered monarchy.

People occurred pro-democracy in 2006.
Thus, King Gyanendra surrendered in 2006 / 6.
Finally, they had peace treaty between Maoists and Nepal governor SPA (the Seven Party Alliance).
Thus, 12 years internal conflict had done which 14,000 people died in this internal conflict.
Finally, Nepal monarchy had abolished in 2007 / 1.

The internal conflict had done.
However, Tarai region people and Madhesi region people had conflict.
This conflict result 130 people died in 2007 / 3.
They are unsatisfied their power and autonomous region.
Madhesi requested extend of autonomous region.
Also, they occupied 1/3 population of Nepal.
However, they got a little power and influence in the Nepal.
Thus, the problem of peace treaty danger cause of their dissatisfaction.

Nepal internal conflict had done.
Maoists rebel forces raised prime minister Prachanda.
Thus, they dominated the government and Nepal country.
Thus, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal appeared.

2011년 6월 13일 월요일

Haiti situation

Haiti situation

Haiti had Independence in 1804.
Haiti defended attack of England and France for Independence of Black slaves.
Toussaint L’ouverture led that Independence fought.
Thus, they declared first Independence in Latin America.
However, powerful county pressured them for received compensation for colons.
They had Independence thus, colons damaged in their properties.
Colons lost land and slave etc…
Finally, Haiti gave up that they would pay compensation.
They promised that they would pay 1500000000 Franc in 1825.
Actually, that is impossible to they paid that much money.
It was a lot of money. Also, they got Independence not long time.
Thus, Haiti borrowed compensation by America.
However, they could not pay that much money.
Haiti was so poor.
Unfortunately, America conquered Haiti ( 1915 ~ 1934 )
America send navy for ruled them.

François Duvalier does dictatorship with his son.
America supported them for prevented Cuba.
They called ‘Papa doc’ and his son called ‘Baby doc’.
They murdered people for keep their power.
About 10,000 people murdered by that two stupid doc.
When two docs ruled Haiti that economic was so suck.
One time, Haiti was richest county in Caribbean Sea.

First Haiti situation

Haiti people never just looked that mad government.
They tried to democratize the Haiti in 1986.
Thus, they kicked out two docs.
Jean Bertrand Aristede became a president of Haiti in 1990.
He was effort on reformation for Haiti.
However, he kicked out by military coup d’etat in 1991.
UN and USA tried to return Jean Bertrand Aristede for democratic in Haiti.
However, military does not followed UN and USA.
Thus, USA send battleship to Haiti.
Also, 2200 armies of multi – national - forces and armies of USA dispatched to Haiti.
Thus, they expelled opposition forces whose occurred coup d’etat.
Also, Jean Bertrand Aristede became president of Haiti again.

Second Haiti situation

Jean Bertrand Aristede became president of Haiti.
However, America supported them.
Thus, rebel force revolted Aristede.
Aristede kicked out to Africa in 2004.
But, Aristede power and rebel force power are fought.
UN does send UN army again.
They still fought in 2004.
But, it decreased in 2007.

Haiti problems

Actually, Haiti had a lot of resources in land.
However, cause of two docs they spend most resources of Haiti.
Now, only 3 % of forest is in Haiti.
Haiti destroyed in today.
International encroachment and disaster make them painful.
Also, increase of price of food.
That made people also painful.
Common Haiti people earn only 2 $ per day.
Haiti shocked in 2010.
Earthquake ate Haiti.
About 220,000 people died and 3,000,000 people damaged.
When they damaged by earthquake, whole world helped Haiti.
They send food and money, doctor for care them.
Also, they made song for Haiti.
But, now?????..
They forget them.
Also, we forget them.
Actually, world send relief for them
But, they still need our help.
They want to attention by us.
They eat mud cookies when we watching them.
They eat mud stuff things.
Did you try mud cookies.

2011년 6월 7일 화요일

Israel and Syria War

Israel and Syria War

Syria is most closed country in this world.
But, they open a little today.
They believe most Islam in Syria.
About 60 % of them are Sunni Islam.
But, about 10% of them are Christian, maybe below than 10% are Christian.
Syria ruled by France before World War 2.
But, When World War 2 begun they declared independent in 1941.
Also, Syria is member of UN.
But, they love War and rebellion, weapon, etc…
They love murdered thing so much..
Actually, their governor made that prejudice.
How UN does not stop them?
They are member of them.
UN pursued peace. Then, UN had to give peace and freedom in Syria.
I don’t know detail about what happen in Syria and UN.
But, even I think UN do nothing to Syria.
Recently, some rebel force attacked Syria militaries and polices.
Thus, 120 armies and polices died by some rebel force.

Israel and Syria had War.
Israel is enemy of most Arab counties.
Most Arab countries are Islam counties.
But, only Israel is Jew country in Arab side.
Also, Israel military is so powerful.
Also, Israel nation, relation with other powerful countries is well.
Thus, they envy Israel I guess??

Israel established country in 1948.
Israel also became enemy country of Syria.
When another Arab countries conflict with Israel.
Syria helped them. Also, support them.
They conflicted between Israel and Syria.
They had some problem of territory or area.
That area was Golan Heights.
Israel conquered Golan Heights in 1967 when that was Third Arab-Isarel War.
Thus, Israel declared Golan Heights was area of Israel.
Israel established town of Jews in Golan Heights.
Israel and Syria had trouble.

However, they had peace among Arab countries.
Thus, Israel and Syria made some peace between them.
When the Rabin government appeared in the Israel
Their government tried to talk with other Arab nations.
Fortunately, Syria had chance to return area of Golan Heights.
However, that chance failed because they had some problems between Israel and Syria.
But, Syria tried again for negotiation with Israel.
They had negotiation in USA in 1995 / 12 / 27.
Also, they had second negotiation in Washington in 1996 / 1 / 3~6.
However, that negotiation processed not well.
It also failed.
But, Syria never gave up had negotiation with Israel for return Golan Heights.
Also, they hold negotiation in USA in 2000 / 1.
They also had negotiation in 2008.
But, it failed.
Still now, Israel had Golan Heights in 2010.

They still have some trouble between them.
Israel attacked Syria again in 2011.
Thus, 23 people died and about 350 people hurt.
But, that people is Palestine who flight Syria boundary.
They still had some big and small troubles.

2011년 6월 1일 수요일

Iran and Iraq War

Iran and Iraq War started in 1980 / 9 / 22.
I guess this War was cruel. Every War is cruel and terrible.
But, I really, astonished when I saw picture of dead people.
Seriously, uncountable people died in the War who is Iraq’s nation.
Iraq did many Wars.
Especially, Saddam Hussein occur some cruel War.
I told about him before notice.
A lot of people died cause of Iraq government and Saddam Hussein.
Also, many people died cause of America.
Likewise uncountable people died cause of our unconcern

The relation of Iran and Iraq was bad until today.
They are Islam countries.
But, they fought cause of territory.
They wanted Shatt al-Arab and Hormuz Str.
The problem was so complicated which was cause of this Iran and Iraq War.
The causes was tribe problem, political problem, religion problem, social problem, etc
Actually, it is not problems? It was conflict something.
They conflict most cause of Shatt al-Arab.
Iran really wanted to get boundary on the Shatt al-Arab.
They tried to negotiate with Iraq.
However, Iraq never accepted it negotiation.
Because of England support Iraq.

But, the conflict of problem territory restarted in 1968.
Actually, I don’t know that why they want that small area?
But, they fought for it in long time. Thus, I can guess it is really important for them.
In 1969 / 4 / 15, Iraq declared the Shatt al-Arab was their territory.
So, they told to Iran about Iran can’t suspend their flag in the Shatt al-Arab.
But, Iran does not accept Iraq’s require which is problem of flag on the ship.
There had some problem between Iran and Iraq.
At that time, Iraq had problem of revolt of Iraq tribe which called Kurd.
Iran support Kurd tribe. Thus, Iraq needed Iran’s help.
Finally, they agreed about boundary on the Shatt al-Arab in 1975.
That agreement was called Algeria agreement.

However, that agreement broke.
Iran started the revolution of Islam.
So, Iran wanted to expend that revolution.
Thus, Iraq upset. Because of Iran’s behave.
So, Saddam Hussein broke that agreement first.
Also, he invaded to Iran cause of possession of territory.
But, actually, the more complete reason of Iran and Iraq War was fail of Iran government.
Iran government consisted of the Pahlevi government.
However, they perished when Iran had revolution.
Thus, Iran exchanged government which called Khomeini.
Also, Iran spread that revolution to all Arab countries.

Saddam Hussein

In 1980 / 9 / 22, they had battle which was total War.
However, cause of longest War they got economical problem.
Armies and nation are died.
Main facilities are destroyed.
Country became paralyzed.

Finally, the long War was done in 1988 / 8 / 20.
Seriously, uncountable people were sacrificed in this War.
They used chemical weapon.
Thus, about million people died in Iran and Iraq War.

We don’t know that Middle East people die like that.
They die more cruelly than this picture.
Babies are die, children’s head explore.

In our brain, most people think Middle East people are bad.
But, we have to know that terrors and War.
It is not generate by Middle East people.
It generate by their governments and terrorists.
Actually, these pictures did not by War between Middle East countries.
These pictures did by America.
We have to think about it…….