2011년 5월 20일 금요일

The Gulf War

The Gulf War
 ( 1991 / 1 / 17 ~ 1991 / 2 / 28 )

This War had between Iraq and Kuwait.
UN, USA, and a multinational force joined in this War.
Multinational forces were USA, England, France, Saudi Arabia, Russia, ect . . . . . . . .
Why they had the War between Iraq and Kuwait?
Iraq started this War. Actually, Saddam Hussein started this War.
Saddam Hussein ( al-Majid al-Awja ) was a president of Iraq who died in 2006.
He was something have mentally problem.
Because, he started this terrible War for return their own area, land when they had that land in the past.
That land is Kuwait. But, in the Kuwait side that was really dumbfounded.
Iraq required the Kuwait’s territory.
They asserted Kuwait was our land, thus we must get land back from Kuwait.
 They asserted like this, for example 13 colonies of America was English own.
Thus, now England get land back from USA.
It is really dumb.
Anyway, Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 / August / 2.
Also, the second reason was the Kuwait did overage of oil market.
Iraq damaged of economy. Kuwait did that thus, oil price decreased.
Thus, Iraq upset.
Iraq controlled Kuwait.

Kuwait ruled by Iraq. UN required they pullout from Kuwait.
‘If Iraq does not accept it until 1991 / January / 15, UN will be pullout out them with force. ‘
Also, USA joined this War mainly.
430,000 armies of America and 34 multinational forces joined this War.
680,000 armies assembled in the Persian Gulf.
Also, Iraq assembled 1,000,000 armies

USA armies and Multination armies invaded Iraq in 1991 / January / 17.
Which day, 2 day after January / 15;
The air force of USA was most powerful.
They bombed 100,000 times during just one month.
Thus, most of major facilities of Iraq destroyed by air forces’ attacked.

USA and Iraq had ground warfare in the February 24.
Finally, USA and multinational forces did pullout Iraq from Kuwait.
Also, end of the war declared in February / 28.

Multinational forces won in this Gulf War with the smart weapons.
USA and multinational forces was so powerful.
They killed about 200,000 armies of Iraq.
However, multinational forces only 378 armies died in this Gulf War.
 Iraq earned really terrible defeat.

Middle East reorganized the new rule of influence of USA.
That is result of this War.
But, This Gulf War had some questionable things.
UN used TV and media and they concocted public opinions in this War.
Also, they tested high – tech weapon first time in this War.

댓글 1개:

  1. Thank you for focusing on the human cost of war. This is the season of Lent, time of repentance for Catholics in the U.S. and worldwide. Where are you from?
    Mike McCarthy, Port Huron, MI, USA
