The police take a shooter from by Gang. |
This is the submarine for transport the drug. |
The gang of drug is dominate most of area of Mexico.
The Mexican government fight with them continuously.
20 people dead per day, the reason of drug.
2,180,000 kg drug expose in Mexico on 2009
10,000,000,000 Dallar, the trade volume of drug in Mexico.
The Cartell is gang of drug, they dominate the Mexico.
There have 8 supreme Cartell in the Mexico.
The 8300 armies dead on war of drug, that is more than USAarmies dead on war of Iraq.
People say Mexico is the country of dominate by drug.
Mexico still fight with trade of drug.
About 54% Mexican thought the gangs of drug are win.
However, only 25% Mexican thought Government is win.
Actually, peoples doesn't care about Mexican, even, they doesn't know that Mexican
are dying on the War of the drug.
But, A lot of peoples crying, fearing, get hungry, have poor.
After 2006 ,October, about 30,000 people dying who is governor who is related with drug.
Moreover, 10 chief of polices were murdered by gang on 2010.
We can see that they are so powerful in the Mexico.
Even, they are more powerful than Government.
In 2010, Mexican government took 134ton's drug in the border city Tijuana
which is between USA and Mexico.
In Mexico, a lot of reporter murdered by gangs.
If they publish the article of about drug something,
they killed.
Seriously, Mexican media gave up to publish the article of gang of drug.
Also, the Media ask them 'What kind of article do you not want'?
Even, on expressway, they made the advertisement about
' We'll give you more good enviroment, thus you join this'.
They say to the police.
I don't know that police join that gang.
However, about 100,000 police were fired, because they join Cartell. |
Most of Mexicans have poor.
They hungry and dying.
They started trade drug, because they have big poor.
They trade drug for live.
106000000 people live in Mexico.
However, half of them care for their live, they earn 2 Dallar per day.
Mexico is trade with 47 counties.
One of them, Mexico trade with USA.
USA is border with Mexico.
Also, USA is biggest country who spend a lot of drugs.
USA import the drug from Mexico.
It cost about 40,000,000,000 Dallar.
Most of Mexicans have poor.
They hungry and dying.
They started trade drug, because they have big poor.
They trade drug for live.
106000000 people live in Mexico.
However, half of them care for their live, they earn 2 Dallar per day.
Mexico is trade with 47 counties.
One of them, Mexico trade with USA.
USA is border with Mexico.
Also, USA is biggest country who spend a lot of drugs.
USA import the drug from Mexico.
It cost about 40,000,000,000 Dallar. |
President the Felipe Calderon send 6500 armies.
And now, their have 50000 armies and 20000 police are fight with Cartell.
Fortunately, USA help Mexican government for pressurize the Cartell
Internationally, Most people does not care about them.
Even, some people never heard about them.
If we had more care for them, they did not became like this.
I think we occured that situation.
I hope that Mexico change